What do you believe is critical and non-negotiable in teaching and learning?
Key terms: education, technology, collaboration, learning, association
I believe that it is critical that the learner should have an active role in choosing both the content and the method of their learning and that the teaching and learning should be holistic, not compartmentalized into artificial subjects. Because each learner is an individual human being with his or her own feelings, emotions, strengths, weaknesses, passions, and dreams to explore, learning should be “real world” right now, not just preparation for later careers. It is imperative that learners should be connected to the world through on-line tools to share and expand their learning in order to learn and live in the world of collaboration, networking and maintaining a balance with technology and all that can offer when used properly. It is my opinion that lectures don’t necessarily motivate one to learn, active learning such as hands-on training and sustainable projects better facilitate this process. Doing is more conducive to learning than listening and taking tests to meet performance objectives.
Thorne and Henley (2005) noted that, among the first in psychology to address the process of learning was Hermann Ebbinghaus. Ebbinghaus based his learning theories on the theory that ideas become connected or associated through experience. The more a person encounters an association, the stronger the associative bond is assumed to be.
Ebbinghaus presumed, that if ideas are connected by the frequency of their associations, learning should be predictable based on the number of times a given association is experienced. Because learning can be social and promotes community through investigations, experiments, questions, and conversations, students can learn strive to exploit new fields of interest and boundaries to learning should become limitless.
Thorne, B., Henley, T. (2005). Hermann Ebbinghaus
in Connections in the History and Systems of Psychology (3rd Edition ed.,
pp. 211-216). Belmont , CA :
Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Responded this week 5/18/12 to:
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